WiFi at the Races

Wifi at the Races

Hospitality – Sporting Index


Sporting Index required rapid and easy to deploy internet connectivity at outdoor sporting events so bookmakers could service bets, sets odds, accepts, and places bets, and pays out correct winnings. Sporting Index frequently need an immediate and effective data communications capability in locations where the installation of conventional ADSL or leased line connections is non-existent or poor performing. Satellite had frequently left bookmakers without internet at all causing considerable administrative and operational issues for customers, the bookmakers and Sporting Index itself.


Given the severe reliability and latency issues with previous data satellite systems so Sporting Index trialled OptiBond at Cheltenham Festival. Installation and set up took less than 20 minutes from scratch and OptiBond provided 100% connectivity throughout the event.


Sporting Index was satisfied with the result and expanded the use of OptiBond to many additional outdoor sporting events it serviced.

“Having previously tried a data satellite system, which did not prove reliable enough, we were keen to investigate the alternatives. We have had too many occasions when the satellite signal has failed leaving us with no internet access. The level of responsiveness, support and reliability during the trial (and subsequent events) has proved that i-MO was the right solution to choose.” Fred Eates, Head of Business Development, Sporting Index

EMS created OptiBond which simultaneously bonds different cellular networks plus ADSL / satellite. OptiBond is a complete internet solution enabling up to six WAN connections and up to five concurrent VPN connections and operates as a local server to enable printing, file share & network connectivity.